Is Andrew Tate doing alright?
hollow cost
Christians will use anything in the Bible to justify their hatred
Twitter hit by huge outage after latest round of firings from Elon Musk
Wake up only to discover someone had moved your stairsCredit: Curious_Bar348
Me. Stirring the pot
Damm she got me thereCredit: xMadsMissions
Those damn fascists
It’s giving “You’re too nice” vibes
“Trans people are worse than Hitler”
A Pond Request
History is wasted on some people
I'll be damned, first they fall in love with her cooking next it's her
Groom groom here, grift grift there
Self, meet past self
Let's just call this woman what she is: stupid AF
And help stop the insistent hints of getting married already


Social Media GobbledygookPosted by 1timbutimbu1
Oh, but he cares


Social Media GobbledygookPosted by AMDESPERATE
Story XP
Story XP