🔊Well sh! T!

Say What NowPosted by is.this.it
Defender of the auto parts store

how? ! Just how?

Say What NowPosted by 123eject
how? ! Just how?

🔊May contain traces of flies

Say What NowPosted by WhenRome

🔊Nice massager

Say What NowPosted by icebros
Cymothoa Exigua is a parasite that drains blood from the fishes tongue and becomes the tongue
Credit: Kooyanis

🔊Monkey tries to abduct a baby

Say What NowPosted by 0__x
The "horn saloon" in Sarre Royal Castle (Aosta Valley, Italy): decorated with 3600 horns from ibexes and chamois

🔊A cow as a dam

Say What NowPosted by Ih8te
Credit: Enklivus
Facial reconstruction on a child with Crouzon Syndrome


Say What NowPosted by usaFOREVER

🔊Drain Surfing

Say What NowPosted by antitheist

🔊Smells better than it tastes

Say What NowPosted by TokenBlack
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