🔊Kid tries to pick up a squirrel

ClipsPosted by Mentalgiraffe
"The survivor stairs. " These stairs led underground from the world trade center. The people who made it down these stairs survived that day

🔊Idiots get the karma clap back

ClipsPosted by gimly.u

Cuddle time

ClipsPosted by 123eject

🔊Beast mode

ClipsPosted by ICANHAS

🔊Waste not

ClipsPosted by finallyherpesfrree

🔊Wow she has a river named after her

ClipsPosted by Jai_Kumar
Credit: imjustheretodomyjob
Credit: SquareBattle

This majestic underwater animal

ClipsPosted by mpae


ClipsPosted by sadfucker

🔊Interviewing at Waffle House

ClipsPosted by d0nut
3, 300-Year-Old Bird Claw Discovered By Archaeologists Digging In A Cave
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Story XP