Found in the paper insulating a package I received
The High Geologist. World's best namer of stones. Ace extraordinaire
do you ever get paranoid that people can hear your music (comic by @Valbun_ )Credit: velocolizard

🔊Bro, Master Fisherman

OffbeatPosted by

The sky is the limit!

ComicsPosted by KateC
The sky is the limit!

Motivated to Motivate

ComicsPosted by VegasDUUUDE
Motivated to Motivate

Ryanrdss social channels:

🔊Subaru BRZ had no chance

FailPosted by memer123
During World War II, the Japanese military used these giant tuba like structures to listen for incoming planes

🔊This auto jar opener

This Pleases MePosted by ls300
Credit: Grace_Crow

🔊Truly a fight of epic proportions

CutePosted by Instagaramsuxxx
This cat with an unshaven face 😸 💛

Monks of Vengeance

OffbeatPosted by magnetoman
Monks of Vengeance
Story XP
Story XP