🔊What daaa girl doing

Say What NowPosted by Let.me.show.you
That's not the Spider-Man I remember

🔊lucky as hell

Say What NowPosted by ls300
Rats chew through cast iron stink pipe to get inside

🔊only in NYC subway

Say What NowPosted by ___froggy

Helll noooo

Say What NowPosted by it.is.I


Say What NowPosted by elbowclassics

make it stop

Say What NowPosted by EEYYY
Neuroanatomical comparison of normal brain and Alzheimer´s disease brain

Gun Nuts

Say What NowPosted by AMDESPERATE
Gun Nuts

🔊What a champ

Say What NowPosted by CandiceC

🔊The exorcist reloaded

Say What NowPosted by mexicaninchina


Say What NowPosted by PIE
Story XP
Story XP