Otto von Geuricke, the recreater of horrors: summons a boney group of monsters
Thermal, immune to ice, immune to fire
Vector, commits crimes with both direction and magnitude
Eustace, the Mallet of Malice

*Russian approaches you*

OffbeatPosted by ichbins
*Russian approaches you*
Roxy, the ballooned Dinosaur

the toughest opponent

OffbeatPosted by youranus
the toughest opponent

Kristen, the swole

OffbeatPosted by shiftaltcommandT
Kristen, the swole

Indy, Curator Of The Bones

OffbeatPosted by Followme
Indy, Curator Of The Bones
If you survive the carpet maze, you must challenge the Shag Knight

Magnus, The Magnet Seeker

OffbeatPosted by ling
Magnus, The Magnet Seeker
Obama the Celestial, he who rules over day and night
Buddha, Defender of Asia and Buddhism

Otol, the one who hears all

OffbeatPosted by ls300
Otol, the one who hears all
Rebecca, 35, pure muscle
Ralph Baer, inventor of entertainment 🫡
inferno knight the ginger of the apocalypse

Giga chadette, wife of Chad

OffbeatPosted by KNITKNOT
Giga chadette, wife of Chad
Holiest Bishops, Checker of Mates
Story XP
Story XP