Starry Night Made With Paper Quilling

🔊The art of photography

This Pleases MePosted by notastalker
Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter in a straight line across the sky

🔊Popcorn in a wok

This Pleases MePosted by satan003

🔊Comparing tea pots

This Pleases MePosted by dorothy1

🔊Hand-harvesting sunflowers

This Pleases MePosted by 1timbutimbu1
The Great Pyramid with a perfect shadow
Sea of Japan where snow and beach and sea meet
A flock of birds formed a hedgehog shape, with the moon as its eye

🔊Folding a handkerchief

This Pleases MePosted by dbe43

🔊Hypnotic movements

This Pleases MePosted by duckduckstop
freshly stocked Cheez-It aisle
Story XP
Story XP