Saw this on a NYC subway yesterday. Is there a current threat we should know about?


Say What NowPosted by Playme

🔊The fight must go on

Say What NowPosted by whatevenisthis_

🔊Straight up Bowser hands

Say What NowPosted by second

Is that a

Say What NowPosted by dbe43

🔊Task failed successfully?

Say What NowPosted by magnetoman

Freshly paved today

Say What NowPosted by pikelee
Freshly paved today
500 year old statue here in Bern, Switzerland that depicts a man eating a sack of baby’s
Saw this rabbit biking today, it didn’t move at all

🔊Lucky day

Say What NowPosted by magnetoman
An actual stock photo. I guess she said no
Story XP
Story XP