🔊Dude high fives a wild bear

Say What NowPosted by leie
In Zachary, Louisiana a car ended up on the roof of this house…

🔊What is happening?

Say What NowPosted by tornadochaser

Carpet. And a landline

Say What NowPosted by 0Kelvin
Carpet. And a landline
Extremely hairy tongue


Say What NowPosted by PIdivideby0


Say What NowPosted by Ninjo

🔊Well. How do we tell them

Say What NowPosted by satan003
Credit: ExternalBit7989

Howdy neighbor!

Say What NowPosted by TokenBlack
Howdy neighbor!

🔊epic fail

Say What NowPosted by ybbo

🔊wrong door

Say What NowPosted by Mentalgiraffe
what was he trying to do here?

what was she thinking

Say What NowPosted by 0__x
Not sure this paint job is a good idea
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