Why would you not clean the snow off of your rear windshield?Credit: MoooonPanda

🔊idiot breaking walls for a bike

FailPosted by flutebabe32

🔊WWE up in here

FailPosted by PIdivideby0

🔊Idiot drives over 90MPH through a town

FailPosted by mpae

🔊M62 Crazy Man

FailPosted by portugalrepresent

Just a kid, but still

FailPosted by superbowl

They’re dancing

FailPosted by gimly.u

🔊Slick thinking

FailPosted by PMsavailable

Snowman-fighting idiot

FailPosted by Nitroseconds
What’s your biggest driving pet peeve?Credit: DrMike27

Idiot fights bench

FailPosted by Playme

🔊Watch me kick in this door

FailPosted by IntheNAMEof.LOVE
Credit: BulkyPsychologys

🔊Definetly not me

FailPosted by Drooling_Again

🔊rich idiot in Porsche

FailPosted by jose_is_here
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