'Beauty And The Beast' Paris Premiere, 2017

Emma in a dress and hat

Emma WatsonPosted by ICANHAS
Emma in a dress and hat
Emma's side profile at the premiere of Noah
Emma at The Half-Blood Prince Premiere

Magazine shoot

Emma WatsonPosted by Kitchen__Prince
Magazine shoot
That jawline could cut something

Emma for Porter Magazine

Emma WatsonPosted by d0nut
Emma for Porter Magazine

'The Early Show', 2009

Emma WatsonPosted by Whasszzza
'The Early Show', 2009

Director Emma

Emma WatsonPosted by ybbo
Director Emma

Emma in The Bling Ring

Emma WatsonPosted by sadfucker
Emma in The Bling Ring
Emma for Wonderland Magazine

Charming Emma

Emma WatsonPosted by picach0
Charming Emma

Freckled Beauty

Emma WatsonPosted by PIdivideby0
Freckled Beauty

At the Oscars, 2014

Emma WatsonPosted by Playme
At the Oscars, 2014
At the Paradoxe event in NYC

Classy Emma

Emma WatsonPosted by Squirly
Classy Emma

Freckled face

Emma WatsonPosted by ybbo
Freckled face


Emma WatsonPosted by whatevenisthis_

Pinup watson

Emma WatsonPosted by redgracegrace
Pinup watson
Story XP
Story XP