The speed of light is an interesting thing but sound even more so

🔊Close call

ClipsPosted by 0Kelvin

🔊Never tell me the odds

ClipsPosted by whatevenisthis_
Credit: Tipex

🔊This kid is going places

ClipsPosted by Kitchen__Prince
This deaf experience sounds truly terrifying!

🔊Watching the game with dad

ClipsPosted by yogameistro
Ladies, where ever you are in life, it’s valid

🔊The Road to Bakhmut

ClipsPosted by PIE

Deserves a raise for sure

ClipsPosted by TokenBlack
Deserves a raise for sure

🔊Innocent guy pushed into traffic

ClipsPosted by PIdivideby0

🔊Man eventually helps

ClipsPosted by Wheninrome
Story XP
Story XP