A little old lady’s list found today at Target

🔊Who said men can't multitask

ClipsPosted by ___froggy
Got off work to no road home
Really unfortunate head placement on this family vacation photo
This guy’s car after 2 days of snow in Southern Norway:
saw this taped to the ground by a bus stop


ClipsPosted by KNITKNOT
This 8kgs food tray is called Bahubali Thali in India. Anyone who can finish it in 40 minutes can win $11 000. Costs $25

🔊Kids in India create their own motorcyle

ClipsPosted by mpae

🔊Apparently No Karens Allowed

ClipsPosted by TokenBlack
Camper 30 years ago began hearing strange noises in the middle of the night. She stuck her camera outside the tent and snapped this photo

Found on a hiking trail

ClipsPosted by Yannick
Found on a hiking trail

Dart repointing tool

ClipsPosted by CandiceC
Dart repointing tool
Story XP
Story XP