Y’all shouldn’t knock it if you haven’t tried it

Tea be tasty

MemesPosted by PMsavailable
Tea be tasty

Taylor "The Polluter" Swift

MemesPosted by leie
Taylor "The Polluter" Swift

🔊Wife doctor

MemesPosted by finallyherpesfrree
This has bothered me for yearsCredit: Malkovitch42

They just don’t care

MemesPosted by butteryBIScuits
They just don’t care

Barrock Obohnson

MemesPosted by Followme
Barrock Obohnson

do not try this

MemesPosted by 0Kelvin
do not try this
The Waffle House has found its new host

🔊alternate theories

MemesPosted by Karmawhore

Mindy did the whole gang dirty

MemesPosted by second
Mindy did the whole gang dirty
Netflix: sweeping the mess under the carpet

🔊Just like the simulations

MemesPosted by IntheNAMEof.LOVE

Who else should be here?

MemesPosted by d0nut
Who else should be here?
That they refuse to rerelease and there is no way to legally play it
Don't make me think about thatCredit: Bf4Sniper40X

Who discovered America?

MemesPosted by hydrohomiesftw
Who discovered America?

Complete the list

MemesPosted by youranus
Complete the list

Happy new year

MemesPosted by daughterof3
Happy new year
Story XP
Story XP