Adampleasance Joined 3 years ago
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208 points


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Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Thank you so much. I am so chuffed that others liked this image. I, of course, have personal memories which enhance the image when I see it. So when others like the shot without that personal connection it is doubly satisfying.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Thank you so much. It's so gratifying when others like one of your images.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Excellent result - this is a super composition. Well done Olga - congratulations.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

A lovely composition but the shot is very noisy. Were you shooting in manual - if so could you lower the ISO and change the shutter speed and or aperture to compensate.?

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

A telling photo. For my taste it is too soft - increase shutter speed or was it just focus that was not spot on. I sometimes take several shots in case the first one has the subject moving.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

I really like this image. I think being in black and white makes it more dramatic. There is enough tonal contrast with the background which does not detract from the main subject. I like the stoical expression on the mans face. The detail on the sacks is pin sharp. Super shot!

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

I really like this - the colour combination, concentration from the monk, action as the hammer comes down. The piece he is working on is a little over-exposed. That was true of one of mine - the car mechanic. Olga suggested what to do. See our posts on my photo of the man fixing a car. Is this taken at 'The Silver Wat' - Wat Sri Suphan?

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Super concentration of the sculptor. A clear idea of what is going on. I love to see artists at work.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Great composition. Love the scattered reflections. Would this be better with a bit more cropping? Anyone out there know how the mans face could be made lighter

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Good capture of the sparks in this shot. I always like to see more of the faces if possible. If you had squatted down would you still have got the sparks but more of the face as you would have been looking up.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

As with the car mechanic - I opened this in Camera Raw, turned down the highlights, and cropped a bit - the result is much better - you can now see the detail in the cabbages. thanks Olga and Photonut!!

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Thanks Olga - I did as you suggested and the result is a significant improvement.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

I tried what you recommended and it certainly improves the image. thanks for your thoughts.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Thanks for giving my images such a helpful appraisal - a detailed critique is so helpful in seeing your work as others do. And, of course, getting better at taking photos. Thanks!

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Agree! It opens opportunities to meet people and chat and share ideas and increase understanding.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

With this one I was trying to get the depth from the hot globe of glass to his face. I agree it is an ordinary feel to the composition. How would you have changed the POV to give it a bit more punch?

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Yes - Indians seem at times to be made of rubber and can get themselves into any shape they want. He was another super friendly person who was very happy to be photographed. No English and all I can say in Tamil is “coffee with no milk or sugar” which doesn’t take you very far!!

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Thanks for looking at this so carefully. Yes the cardboard is a bit hot. Will play with that to see if I can improve it.

Adampleasance commented on Photo Contest: People at work

Thanks for your detailed appreciation of the image. I did indeed show him the result. He was a friendly chap with such a happy disposition. His name is Anand. I sat and chatted with him and had tea with him while my wife was scouring the shops.

Adampleasance participated in contest Photo Contest: People at work
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