Photo Contest: Cooling Off

PhotographyPosted by Staaan

Cooling off can mean different things for different people. For some, it could be about getting their body temperature down under ultra-hot summer weather with a few bottles of chilled drinks. While for others, it could be finding the best way to relax after a long day or finding some recreational time to spend with family or friends. So, the question is what does cool off mean for you and how do you do so?

This contest is for you to answer the question with a picture. Show us how you cool off by taking a photo that represents “cooling off”. Drop your photo to enter the contest now. People and animals can be in the photo, but it's not a requirement.

Good luck!

grasshopper1 avatarLevel 11
Rank: 1 out of 22 | 24 points

Unspecified specimen created by grasshopper1

Iguanna Cooling Down Nikon 1/1250 sec f/9 300mm 400 ISO

8 reactions
colorpicker avatarLevel 9
Rank: 2 out of 22 | 23 points

Unspecified specimen created by colorpicker

Young Hooded Crow cooling off the right leg first . Captured with Canon EOS 7D

6 reactions
Olga.L avatarLevel 17
Rank: 3 out of 22 | 21 points

Nameless picture created by Olga.L

3 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13
Rank: 4 out of 22 | 18 points

Unspecified specimen created by kyricom

Three Friends on a Hot Day - taken on a Pentax K-3

Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
Rank: 5 out of 22 | 16 points

Entry without name created by Wayne-Cheah

1 reaction
Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
Rank: 6 out of 22 | 14 points

Unspecified specimen created by Wayne-Cheah

1 reaction
Lisaandkyle avatarLevel 4
Rank: 7 out of 22 | 12 points

Entry without name created by Lisaandkyle

1 reaction
denlig avatarLevel 9
Rank: 8 out of 22 | 12 points

Nameless picture created by denlig

Small thirsty lynx - Lumix FZ38 - f/5.6 - 1/13 s

1 reaction
iquraishi avatarLevel 9
Rank: 9 out of 22 | 12 points

Nameless picture created by iquraishi

Huawei Y9 Pro, Abu Dhabi

Diamite avatarLevel 9
Rank: 10 out of 22 | 12 points

Entry without name created by Diamite

My daughter, fashionably drowning lol

hilleke avatarLevel 8
Rank: 11 out of 22 | 11 points

Unspecified specimen created by hilleke

2 reactions
grasshopper1 avatarLevel 11
Rank: 12 out of 22 | 10 points

Nameless picture created by grasshopper1

Momma gator cooling down
Nikon 1/400sec f/18 220mm ISO600

2 reactions
Teecee avatarLevel 12
Rank: 13 out of 22 | 9 points

Nameless picture created by Teecee

Lola cooling off in the pool - Canon T2i 18-55

2 reactions
Teecee avatarLevel 12
Rank: 14 out of 22 | 8 points

Unspecified specimen created by Teecee

Maximus cooling off in his happy place - With all that hair he constantly needs cooling off - T2i 18-55

colorpicker avatarLevel 9
Rank: 15 out of 22 | 8 points

Entry without name created by colorpicker

Hot Dog captured with Pentax K 10D

2 reactions
Teecee avatarLevel 12
Rank: 16 out of 22 | 7 points

Entry without name created by Teecee

I cannot express in words how much this little dog loved to swim. Here she is hitching a ride - Canon T2i - 18-55

5 reactions
Mamacatt003 avatarLevel 6
Rank: 17 out of 22 | 7 points

Entry without name created by Mamacatt003

3 reactions
IEatRawEggs avatarLevel 16

But there's no water in there?

2 reactions
Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
Wayne-Cheah replied to IEatRawEggs :

"But up to 60% of the human body is water"?

Mamacatt003 avatarLevel 6
Mamacatt003 replied to IEatRawEggs :

In his mind, he was cooling off...The imagination does wonders :)

colorpicker avatarLevel 9
Rank: 18 out of 22 | 6 points

Nameless picture created by colorpicker

Splish splash!
photo taken with Canon EOS 7D

4 reactions
photobugs avatarLevel 5
Rank: 19 out of 22 | 6 points

Unspecified specimen created by photobugs

QueenRubee avatarLevel 5
Rank: 20 out of 22 | 6 points

Unspecified specimen created by QueenRubee

Little waterhole at Kata Tjuta. Taken with Olympus 100 Se-100

Diamite avatarLevel 9
Rank: 21 out of 22 | 5 points

Unspecified specimen created by Diamite

Lisaandkyle avatarLevel 4
Rank: 22 out of 22 | 3 points

Nameless picture created by Lisaandkyle

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