In this contest, we are working with a source photo.

Your goal is to manipulate the photo in any way you want and turn it into a work of art. You can use Photoshop or any other digital image manipulation software.

The photo for today is one that made first place in our 'silhouettes' contest. It's called 'The Kiss' and was captured by one of our members: Wayne-Cheah. Make sure to follow him if you aren't already!

You can simply do a colorization of this photo, or you can add more elements to it.

Be creative, and let's do some old school photo manipulations!

Good luck!

PS: It's very important to vote on every entry, the more votes we get, the more accurate the rankings will be. Also, when you see something on someone's entry that can be improved, let them know. That way, we can learn new skills from each other!

Staaan avatarLevel 20

If you have any questions/suggestions/comments about this contest, reply to this comment!

Good luck! 👇

13 reactions
Koyote11 avatarLevel 7Gold award
1 out of 18

The Grand Kiss created by Koyote11

3 reactions
Velya avatarLevel 9Silver awardGold award
Zizounai avatarLevel 16Bronze award
3 out of 18

Turn around and catch yours! created by Zizounai

Thanks to Zizounai for her beautiful entry in the Silhouette contest

8 reactions
_ahshotz_ avatarLevel 6
4 out of 18

The Farm created by _ahshotz_

The farm! This is an edit of onw time I went to the farm I saw so many things and is such a place so quite and calm! used some depht of field in the image _ahshotz_

4 reactions
Edlopez avatarLevel 7

I like this one, very well done.

1 reaction
_ahshotz_ avatarLevel 6
_ahshotz_ replied to Edlopez :

Thank you so much!

Cosmix avatarLevel 9

I liked this late arrival and scored it high. It's simple and elegant and well blended.

1 reaction
_ahshotz_ avatarLevel 6
_ahshotz_ replied to Cosmix :

Thank you unfortunately yes it was late barely saw this contests. But I will be on more

Edlopez avatarLevel 7
5 out of 18

Giant Ants Once Roam The Earth created by Edlopez

Cosmix avatarLevel 9Bronze award
6 out of 18

Dreaming Ants created by Cosmix


2 reactions
Edlopez avatarLevel 7
7 out of 18

Drawing created by Edlopez

1 reaction
Stroller avatarLevel 8
8 out of 18

Dating Celebration created by Stroller

Stroller avatarLevel 8Together award
9 out of 18

Dating on the backyard created by Stroller

1 reaction
George55 avatarLevel 10
Zizounai avatarLevel 16
11 out of 18

Following the ant track created by Zizounai


Edlopez avatarLevel 7
12 out of 18

Same fence differant kissers created by Edlopez

I used the fence on the image, lighten up as best I could, so it would be original.

1 reaction
Stroller avatarLevel 8
13 out of 18

Just one ORTHO KISS! created by Stroller

retired avatarLevel 11
14 out of 18

Hooked created by retired

TURFPTAx avatarLevel 4
MrTee2021 avatarLevel 6
16 out of 18

Street Fighter - Antz Edition created by MrTee2021


2 reactions
Edlopez avatarLevel 7
Marxters avatarLevel 3
18 out of 18

Fire Ant created by Marxters

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