FEEEEEEEEEEED-ME created by retired
INSPIRATION; https://www.google.com/search?q=seymore+plant&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjsoo_DwYL2AhWDElkFHcJ5C7gQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=seymore+plant&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAoQGDIGCAAQChAYOgcIIxDvAxAnOgQIABBDOggIABCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQsQM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgcIABCxAxBDOgcIABCABBAKOgYIABAFEB46BggAEAgQHjoECAAQGFCtCFjEKmDnLWgAcAB4AIABU4gBigeSAQIxNJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=NwgMYqyrKoOl5NoPwvOtwAs&bih=881&biw=1851https://i.imgur.com/5zCAiNv.jpg
Very well done... perfect use of source, brilliantly executed. Chapeau! π
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad!
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space
So get off my back! Get off my face
'Cause I'm mean and green and I am bad!
Very well done ! could you explain how did you realise this fantastic plants please with an SBS ?
Here are all the layers without the shadowing.
Space Pollination created by fugit00
Precious moments created by Hanabi
tried to make one of these little figurines from my past from scratch... https://imgur.com/a/6HyL85J
Cueva de la flor magica created by TheNatGamer
Esta es una cueva escondida en lo mΓ‘s profundo de un misterioso bosque donde se encuentra la mΓ‘gica flor de la primera luna, cuyo intenso y deleitante aroma atrae a las reinas abejas
'Nectar for the Bees' created by artgurl
No outside sources. Background, flowers, vase all from source photo. Just enjoying trying some old techniques from Pxleyes.com
If you have any questions/suggestions/comments about this contest, reply to this comment!
Good luck! π