Photo Contest: Hands

PhotographyPosted by Staaan

Take a photograph of hand(s). Other objects can be present, but the main focus should be on the hand(s).

The hands can be doing something, showing emotion, helping, or giving a message of some kind.

For inspiration at the winner of the 'hands 4' contest 4 years ago:

Won by rturnbow
— Won by rturnbow —

Here you can see all the entries that were submitted:

Hands 4 Photography Contest on Pxleyes

Your photo can include any props you may wish, but the only part of the body visible should be the hands.

Be creative and let your hands speak through your photography.

Good luck!

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
Rank: 1 out of 23 | 25 points

Entry without name created by Zizounai

9 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13
Rank: 2 out of 23 | 24 points

Nameless picture created by kyricom

Tactile Taken on a Pentax K-3

7 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13
Rank: 3 out of 23 | 21 points

Unspecified specimen created by kyricom

Sparkles! - Taken on a Pentax K-3

3 reactions
Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
Rank: 4 out of 23 | 16 points

Unspecified specimen created by Wayne-Cheah

Teecee avatarLevel 12
Rank: 5 out of 23 | 16 points

Unspecified specimen created by Teecee

Fancy Schmancy - 80D Sigma 18/250

kyricom avatarLevel 13
Rank: 6 out of 23 | 16 points

Entry without name created by kyricom

Working Hands = Taken on a Pentax K-3

Teecee avatarLevel 12
Rank: 7 out of 23 | 14 points

Entry without name created by Teecee

Hands holding a little bundle of joy. Notice the matching shirts LOL
Canon T2i Sigma 18/250

4 reactions
Teecee avatarLevel 12
Rank: 8 out of 23 | 16 points

Nameless picture created by Teecee

Showing some love to his favourite animal
Canon 80D Sigma 18/250

diogenesjunior avatarLevel 14
Rank: 9 out of 23 | 14 points

Nameless picture created by diogenesjunior

2 reactions
Zizounai avatarLevel 16
Rank: 10 out of 23 | 15 points

Nameless picture created by Zizounai

5 reactions
Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
Rank: 11 out of 23 | 14 points

Entry without name created by Wayne-Cheah

1 reaction
zerocool avatarLevel 17
Rank: 12 out of 23 | 14 points

Entry without name created by zerocool

Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
Rank: 13 out of 23 | 11 points

Unspecified specimen created by Wayne-Cheah

colorpicker avatarLevel 9
Rank: 14 out of 23 | 11 points

Nameless picture created by colorpicker

One of my feathered friends captured in a public park using Casio EX-FH20

6 reactions
IEatRawEggs avatarLevel 16

Look at him, fearless little fellah :)

1 reaction
colorpicker avatarLevel 9
colorpicker replied to IEatRawEggs :

Thanks a lot for your kind comment!

Olga.L avatarLevel 17

A heart warming photo. His eye is blurred giving movement to the photo. chirp chirp chirp

1 reaction
colorpicker avatarLevel 9
colorpicker replied to Olga.L :

Thank you so much for your kind words, Olga. Yes, heart warming moments for me. I need more and more frequently this kind of positive input especially in these days of horrifying news from all over the world.
BTW: this photo does not have the quality I'm normally trying to achieve, because I could not use both hands :-)

1 reaction
Olga.L avatarLevel 17
Olga.L replied to colorpicker :

You are NOT alone with this feeling of angst. As the great philospher Plato said "be kind for everyone you meet is fighting their own personal battle."....very true in these times. But know will pass. At least nature and her beauty provides us with a balm for our troubled souls. Chirp chirp

1 reaction
colorpicker avatarLevel 9
colorpicker replied to Olga.L :

Thanks a lot, Olga, for sharing your personal thoughts. It's always calming to know that there are others feeling the same way. Stay safe and healthy! Chirp chirp chirp

Olga.L avatarLevel 17
Rank: 15 out of 23 | 13 points

Unspecified specimen created by Olga.L

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Olga.L avatarLevel 17
Rank: 16 out of 23 | 10 points

Entry without name created by Olga.L

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Zizounai avatarLevel 16
Rank: 17 out of 23 | 8 points

Nameless picture created by Zizounai

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Olga.L avatarLevel 17
Rank: 18 out of 23 | 8 points

Nameless picture created by Olga.L

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Diamite avatarLevel 9
Rank: 19 out of 23 | 6 points

Entry without name created by Diamite

Sony Alpa Q200

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Diamite avatarLevel 9
Rank: 20 out of 23 | 6 points

Entry without name created by Diamite

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Staaan avatarLevel 20
Rank: 21 out of 23 | 6 points

Unspecified specimen created by Staaan

4 reactions
Marleen avatarLevel 12
Rank: 22 out of 23 | 4 points

Nameless picture created by Marleen

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Marleen avatarLevel 12
Rank: 23 out of 23 | 4 points

Entry without name created by Marleen

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