As slick as the car looks, I dont think I could drive something where I have to do acrobatics to get out of it.
This is amazing, it kind of makes me think of some of the effects you see in games where the souls of the dead rise up in the green mist.
Lol Aww thank you, you are so sweet!
I am pretty sure I could watch this loop for hours and not get tired of it!
How beautiful is this! I want one.
Oh look, someone dropped their portable hole.
GDQ, Games Done Quick.
They are a website and event for the good of speed runners every where. They do a major fundraiser every year in January. Some great stuff. Try youtubing some of their runs from 2020.
I read that part, I was more thinking of the efficiency, peak performance, mag lev bearings, and cut in speed vs sustained speed.
I like this story. A single 15MW Turbine can do a lot, especially if they are off shore and away from the major issues that people generally associate with wind energy. Plus, you would see a constant sea breeze. I would be interested to read the full spec on it.
I am always impressed with these extreme Mario platformers, I could never do it but I am glad others can, it is quite entertaining.
Ahaha it was a great stunt until his bike came back and bit him in the butt.
Videos like these are so heart warming!
That made me laugh far more than it should have. The guy on the right is like yes I know I just yelled louder than the girl next to me. Walk away.
Well I cannot argue that at all. However, my theory is that he secretly invested in a few companies that have produced the drug. That way if it does take off he can become obscenely rich a la V for Vendetta style.
oh wow. I kind of half way expected a tree to be on his back with all of that. I wonder how old it is.
OMG! This is the best thing I have seen about the Rona so far. Could you imagine a super soaker filled with holy water. Keep the demons at bay in style and bless the whole choir in one fell swoop.
I have heard of people getting severely sick trying this. I don't understand his obsession with it honestly. I take this for my lupus as prescribed by my doctor. I don't know if I would just believe the cheetoh because he says something.