This was taken on my trip to Guam. I do not think it has a formal name, but it feeds into a small bay on the secluded side of the island. While hiking here it was rumored this creek lead to some ruins of a village but we never found them. I could not tell you what camera was used.
It probably was, but in the same token, I liked it for a few reasons. It has been one of the few reboots I have enjoyed. The Lion King remake just pissed me off.
Yeah but I imagine that is just like the equivalent of a water slide for them. Like whoo hers the edge and glide down to the next water bit.
This is amazing, several countries in the world are so far ahead of the US in clean energy production that it makes me sad. With new advances of next gen tech, I am afraid that the US is going to end up losing status as a first world country simply because we cannot adapt as a whole.
This is one of the most creative things I have ever seen. I love this on so many levels. Will Smith eat your heart out!
How amazing is this! I love all the colors and reflections on it.
A better question, why do Trump supporters jump on the band wagon of explaining that he was just joking when they used to say he always says exactly what he means?
I absolutely love that. I did not realize what it was until she finished. That is super creative.
Could you imagine the stuff of nightmares this would be if you were just swimming along in the darkness and came across this? I would flip.
I think out of all the idiotic things we could name that the US president has screwed up, the items like this hurt the worst. Here is a "business" man who was touted at bringing back manufacturing and making the US "Great again", and at the end of the day, he really has no business sense. So instead of doing what he said he would do, he just flubs it up, just like most everything else in his career.
I love the aesthetic and the ambience this could create. My only concern would be hail or falling limbs. However, could you imagine what this would look like at night with all the stars overhead?
I am surprised it actually went this far. I mean didn't many scientist prove it didn't work a few months ago? People were just hanging on to it because they felt the Supreme Cheetoh would never lead them astray.
Or if they do, and most probably do, they don't care. They are so entrenched and hypnotized by his half truths and false rhetoric they are willing to bypass any amount of lies, actions, or bullshit to come their way.
I could point out many, many flaws with that man. However, I think aside from the misogyny, racism, and corruption, this external locus of control where he has to find blame in anyone else is the most infuriating part of his personality.
I feel this on a lot of levels, especially during the last few months of the pandemic.
This is the best thing ever! I think we need to see a football next to it though.
I mean does this actually surprise anyone? I try to keep out of politics and even I am sick of this guys shit.