Lady_Indigo commented on Creative with photography

Hey it totally does. Who doesnt love cheese?

Lady_Indigo commented on Not your average golf trickshot

Lol That is amazing. I don't think I meant it that way, but it totally works.

Lady_Indigo commented on Smart doggy 🐩

Thats adorable, I was hoping to see him ski too though. Ahaha.

Lady_Indigo commented on Earth mover getting some assistance from the neighborhood kids

This is really heartwarming. Not only did he make those kids days, but that takes a lot of skill right there. I mean the precision of that is crazy!

Lady_Indigo commented on Coal industry will never recover after coronavirus pandemic, experts say

Honestly though the coal industry has been propped up for years. Renewables are the way to go, proven successful across the world in various capacities.

Lady_Indigo commented on Marshmallow in hot chocolate

Well that is cute. Making them at home may be a bit beyond my patience, but I am glad there are some people out there that have found this.

Lady_Indigo commented on How to put a baby to sleep

Aww this is too damn cute. I wish my kids would have gone to bed this easily. That isn't fair.

Lady_Indigo commented on Creative with photography

I mean, it looks cheesy while they are doing it, but there can be no argument about the results they get. Wow.

Lady_Indigo commented on Midnight paint with oil pastels

I have seen one similar to this done in with acrylic paints. It is quite creative!

Lady_Indigo posted a story: A Miracle Sudoku
Lady_Indigo commented on Vintage enamel cloisonne dragon

Holy cow. That is amazing on so many levels. The art and creativity behind the design and then turning it in to that. Blows my mind.

Lady_Indigo commented on Not your average golf trickshot

when you have way too much time on your hands, thats corona.

Lady_Indigo commented on Battle kitty! 🍊

You are amazing. It makes my heart happy when someone gets my references.

Lady_Indigo commented on Pokemon Go PVP meta

Oh and I am Team Mystic all the way.

Lady_Indigo posted a story: Pokemon Go PVP meta
Lady_Indigo commented on Ransomware Gang Demands $42M or it Releases Trump's ‘Dirty Laundry'

They should just releases Trump's dirty laundry for the betterment of the comunity

Lady_Indigo commented on 12 Crazy Sci-Fi Inventions that Already Exist

I love everything on this list. The flying car and the running boots look really fun. I wouldn't mind the hoverbike or jet suit either. So... who wants to help me get those?

Lady_Indigo commented on She drinks by putting her entire face in the water. She will not do it any other way.

I think it is efficient. Get a drink, a bath, and cool off all at the same time!

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