zerocool avatarLevel 17

That will be a big problem. Sky pollution will be unbearable for many. Hopefully governments kick in and ban this kind of pollution. Otherwise we can say goodbye to our starry skies.

4 reactions
IEatRawEggs avatarLevel 16

That view is not necessarily a bad view. Just more twinkly stars :))

restingRetinue avatarLevel 4

To be fair, though, there's already a shit ton of satellites already in orbit. A few hundred or thousand more of them doesn't make much of a difference.

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zerocool avatarLevel 17
zerocool replied to restingRetinue :

I think this article explains what's going to happen pretty well:

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interiorcrocodilealligator avatarLevel 28
interiorcrocodilealligator replied to zerocool :

I'd rather reap the benefits from those satellites than complaining about a dot in the sky every now and then

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