But then this guy appeared...

ClipsPosted by Yannick
SmartDude avatarLevel 12

Self-motivation is the key element in making or destroying your life. Stay motivated and do what it takes to succeed.

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SarcasticMe avatarLevel 13

Sometimes motivation takes the back seat and what you really need is self-discipline. Can't wait all day for motivation to strike!

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SmartDude avatarLevel 12
SmartDude replied to SarcasticMe :

True but it happens when you give room to unnecessary things in your life.

zerocool avatarLevel 17Gold award

I don't think motivation is the key element. Motivation is almost like emotions, it comes and goes and in most cases 'betrays' you when its needed the most. From my life experience, only raw self-discipline can keep you going. When motivation kicks in, it's awesome, but when it's not there, it's not the end of the world. You just keep going.

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IEatRawEggs avatarLevel 16
IEatRawEggs replied to zerocool :

Agree, but discipline is much more powerful

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