zerocool posted a story: Activision bends to China again
zerocool posted a story: Everybody was Cat Fu Fighting
zerocool commented on These two are going places

Two buddies 😊

zerocool posted a story: Stop petting your dog and see their reaction
zerocool posted a story: The 50 best TV shows to binge-watch on Netflix
zerocool commented on Guy tries to rob outside of a restaurant and gets run over by the victims... and shoots himself in the face

Video should be under 'This pleases me' section

zerocool commented on Guess who his favourite parent is

Another idiot. This time a female one.

zerocool commented on Biker skips line at gas station then bumps into man who called him out

Idiot ona a bike. So typical.

zerocool commented on How seven years of neglect and 13 minutes of chaos destroyed Beirut

It is hard to believe such amount of explosive material (with zero security measures imposed) was so carelessly stacked in the middle of the central port. But apparently exactly that happened.

zerocool commented on Narcissists don't learn from their mistakes because they don't think they make any: new study

Well, that is obvious. We have prime examples of such people throughout the history, although we don't even have to look back. Just need to take a look at the internet and what is media publishing :)

zerocool commented on Facebook removes seven million posts for sharing false information on coronavirus

Facebook is not trying at all. They simply do not care and will do any kind of PR just to get public pressure off their back for a while.

zerocool commented on Coronavirus antibodies fall dramatically in first 3 months after mild cases of COVID-19 according to new UCLA study. Decreasing by roughly half every 73 days. If sustained at that rate, the antibodies would disappear within about a year

So this means one day there will be a seasonal vaccine for Covid-19 as it is for flu. Unless it dies off with further mutations (but that is unlikely to happen).

zerocool commented on Another bear encounter in Mexico 🐻

Is that the same bear as in the clip the other day when one was checking some people on a hike trail? He had a tag on his left ear too. Thats weird.

zerocool commented on Soldier runs into crossfire to save a kid

Are these mercenaries or what? Both guys are shooting with AK47 (non NATO weapon) and none of them wear a full uniform. Just bits and pieces. But still, there is a tank they hide behind 🤔 I hate modern wars. All look like D rated, trashy apocaliptic movies (well, which they indeed are, but real).

zerocool commented on But then this guy appeared...

I don't think motivation is the key element. Motivation is almost like emotions, it comes and goes and in most cases 'betrays' you when its needed the most. From my life experience, only raw self-discipline can keep you going. When motivation kicks in, it's awesome, but when it's not there, it's not the end of the world. You just keep going.

zerocool commented on Chinese police are making threatening video calls to dissidents abroad

Western world (un)fortuntately has no clue what a totalitarian regime looks like. And what is even scarier in this case, what a totalitarian regime applying all the newest technologies may look like. But, it IS scary and we should all be loudly disgusted with it, otherwise sooner or later, we shall face its brutality on our own doorsteps.

zerocool commented on Minimum wage workers cannot afford rent in any U.S. state

What is the point of having a 'minimum' wage requirements, if you cannot afford minimum living conditions with it?

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