I don't understand why color matters. We are created by GOD equally with our own uniqueness.
As far I know children cannot consent!!! I've always been against euthanasia. No one has the right to take someone else life. Everyone deserve to live. We all have a purpose in this world.
Really???? what a great timing.
I thing they must focus first on the Pandemic that circulated around the world than WAR.
As the saying goes "Don't judge the book by it's cover"
Hahahaha mother cat losses her temper for baby cat doesn't want to sleep.
Abortion is not a choice. It's about escaping the responsibility and consequences.
OMG!!! with the serving size and the presentation a sure winner...
Great idea so no more dolphin will be abuse or be captive for human profit.
Reason to ban TikTok.
An invention that contributes great help to mankind.