hurtswhenpee commented on This didn't go as planned

Was hoping for a better ending *giggity*

hurtswhenpee commented on Not dead, just at the beach: reports Kim Jong

Sad news indeed

hurtswhenpee commented on When was the lowest point in your life and how did it change for the better/worse?

Probably that time I wanted to die and drank 2 litres of vodka in less than 6 hours

hurtswhenpee commented on Flooded Slovakian Opal Mine

Creepy pasta?

hurtswhenpee commented on The Top 10 competitive eaters on Youtube (+ their most impressive video!)

They do exercise

And maybe they throw up afterwards, hard to know for sure

hurtswhenpee commented on 3D printed Möbius gears

Well if you turn off Netflix and do this instead, there's plenty of time

hurtswhenpee commented on Cool clay animation

What? Who's Pickle Rick and Reptar?

hurtswhenpee commented on Me too my friend, me too

Maybe the Corona virus turns people very slowly into zombies... it's an ongoing process... We'll have to wait and see, fingers crossed!

hurtswhenpee commented on Healthy doggos


hurtswhenpee commented on Is grepless a platform you were waiting for? Share your thoughts!

Well i wasn't waiting for it... but I enjoy spending time here.

It's pretty too

hurtswhenpee commented on Switzerland in a nutshell ️ ⛰️

Better skip Iraq

hurtswhenpee commented on I made this color shifting orb

I want to buy this... they for sale??

hurtswhenpee commented on Neatly removing a fence with this awesome machine

If you have a few spare $100K

hurtswhenpee commented on Jeremy Spots His Friend At "Where Pigs Fly" Farm Sanctuary

He looks delicious!

hurtswhenpee commented on This goat doesn't even care about gravity

Come on dude

It was a reference to an episode of South Park.

What idiot would actually think 3 halfs are 1?

hurtswhenpee commented on This goat doesn't even care about gravity

Half monkey, half goat, half koala

hurtswhenpee commented on Atomic omelette and grill 7+ lb burger

Where does she put all that..

hurtswhenpee commented on Giant 10 pound Indian curry challenge! (10,000+ CALORIES)

Omg, that does not look appetizing.

Unbelievable performance nonetheless

hurtswhenpee commented on The giant 12,000 cinnamon challenge!

7 pounds of exactly the same taste... can't image

hurtswhenpee commented on INSANE McDonald's Full Menu Challenge!

After eating McDonalds I always feel bloated and tired. Can't imagine what this guy must feel like after all that.

Story XP
Story XP