Wollo commented on Skating on Lake Minewanka

Mine Whankah...?

Wollo commented on Storm Ciara in action

Shouldn't the runway actually be flat?

Wollo commented on Jetpack

I want

Wollo commented on I came with a Valentine's day delivery

This pretty much summarizes my love life: "Something good is on the way, oh wait..nope..."

Wollo commented on I dance too, look look?

Damn, someone's been giving that dog too many treats.

Wollo commented on Gorgeous glacial river

Not so gorgeous... this is the polar ice cap melting.

Wollo commented on He's in heaven

I belieeeeeve I can flyyyyyy

Wollo commented on Brutal sock attack!


Wollo commented on There is always hypocrisy in politics – but it can be good for the nation | Greg Jericho

I was so hoping for a more meta-analysis, instead of just some sort of "better late than never"-argumentation.

Wollo commented on A dog never leaves his owner behind

Did he just drop a hand grenade???

Wollo commented on Incredible Borderlands-style Mario cosplay

I guess this guy just couldn't make up his mind...

Wollo commented on Making a miniature house

Right, so when building a house, one must start with the pool?

Wollo commented on Mommy, smile

that's cute

Wollo commented on Japanese tourist tested positive for novel coronavirus after visiting Hawaii

And so, the Apocalypse unfolds...

Wollo commented on 2️⃣ types of dogs

They be like "kids these days"

Wollo commented on Creatures That Could Survive the Apocalypse

It's scary as hell, that's for sure!

Wollo commented on Hide and seek, go!


Wollo commented on Dude, seriously?

Aaaaw....poor gal

Wollo commented on Antarctica breaks 20-degree-Celsius barrier

Imagine.... laying at the beach on the south pole...

Wollo commented on The Guardian view on looking for aliens: friends in the sky? | Editorial

The truth is out there


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