SarcasticMe commented on Alzheimer's: 'Promising' blood test for early stage of disease

I wish this was possible!

SarcasticMe commented on This massive tuna

Poor lady!

SarcasticMe commented on 3AM at String Lake, Grand Teton National Park


SarcasticMe commented on Mount Roraima in the mist, Venezuela

Who says the world isn't beautiful!

SarcasticMe commented on Lavender meets wheat

A true match made in heaven!

SarcasticMe commented on Little paradise on Earth

It's both the Nature and the cameraman too. Both deserve credit.

SarcasticMe commented on Firey sunset over Crater Lake Oregon

This is going to be my wallpaper now. I know it.

SarcasticMe commented on Alaska

Nature is an art of its own. Untouched and raw.

SarcasticMe commented on Canyon in Southwest USA

I want to go there!

SarcasticMe commented on The clearest water in the world, Melissani Lake, Greece

Wow! This is magic.

SarcasticMe commented on Conger Eel and its prey


SarcasticMe commented on Glacial water in StuĂ°lagil, Iceland,

Wow! It's ethereal!

SarcasticMe commented on A Giant Squid eye. It has the largest known eye in the entire animal kingdom

If this is the eye, how big is the actual squid!

SarcasticMe commented on "Buy now"

Can they hear her through this!

SarcasticMe commented on Oh no, I wish I didn't see this possibility

Ughh. What even?!

SarcasticMe commented on He's not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed

No, I DROWNED. lol.

SarcasticMe commented on Wake up

It takes pure talent to create this. Kudos.

SarcasticMe commented on Staring down a tornado as it comes right at you

What's this!

SarcasticMe commented on Man trying to steal bike gets obliterated

Better luck next time.

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Story XP