JimmyJames Joined 4 years ago
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JimmyJames commented on Aaaah, my brain!

The illusion is nothing that I've ever seen. There are so many questions running my head right now. For instance, how long did it take for the face painting to be completed? Was it done by one artist or a team? What was the inspiration behind the creation? Anyway, It's a candy to the eyes and I'd love to see more of such pictures. Keep posting. :)

JimmyJames commented on I took pictures of the moon for 2 weeks and combined them to show crazy textures across the full disc.

I'm sure you enjoyed taking the picture and the results can clearly be seen here. Out of curiosity, how many pictures did you take within those two weeks? Have you done other follow up series pictures? I would love to see all of them. Keep up the great work that you are doing.

JimmyJames commented on I've been documenting the natural decay in this small abandoned church since 2012

What happened?? Did the followers change to other religions? It's interesting documentation and I'm pretty sure it'll trigger conversations here and beyond. I would like to see more of such pictures or videos if possible.

JimmyJames commented on Study finds cocaine enhances creativity, but not as much as drug users believe

I have friends who are wonderful artists. Not all of them are most creative when they are under influence of a certain drug, but most of them create masterpieces when they take their preferred drug. I don't think I know anyone who uses cocaine to be creative but I can assure you that most of them love marijuana and they create more under the influence. Some of them prefer alcohol or cigarretes but I think it's all in the mind sometimes.

JimmyJames commented on Coronavirus warning: people dying of strokes and heart attacks as they avoid hospitals

This is sad to hear but nothing worse than fear. Many people do things they wouldn't even dream about when they face fear. It is ironic to see that one dies of one disease trying to avoid another. I'm sorry for the victims and I hope this dark cloud will pass away soon. May we all stay home and be safe.

JimmyJames commented on The stock market is rising on hope for a pharma solution to coronavirus — here's how close we are

For those who are forex and stock traders like I know how unpredictable the market has been and we might experience new lower low as there are no guarantees in the market. I would advise those who are watching the markets to be cautious and to be vigilant with any upcoming developments. We are in trying times that require one to be open-minded with any direction all this will take us.

JimmyJames commented on Bride and Groom ask their grandmothers to be their flower girls.

This is priceless. There are not so many people blessed enough to be getting married and having their grandmas as their flower girls. They look beautiful and genuinely happy for the occasion. I'm sure this wedding reminded them of the fun times when they were young and the beauty of life. Thank you for sharing this. :)

JimmyJames commented on Coronavirus sparks rise in fake medical gear and cybercrime

It's interesting to see how other people react to situations. While most people are worried sick about how they are going to overcome this pandemic, others have their best time taking advantage of the situation. There should be a body assigned to track down these fraudsters and come up with a campaign that will educate people on the counterfeit products that will not only endanger people's lives but also cost a lot as well. May we all stay safe and be on the lookout to expose these fraudsters and counterfeit products during these challenging times.

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