What a stunning moment for a courageous dog. The dog seems to have had missed the water .
A good sign after all. Get well soon
we should strictly adhere to this to get rid of this pandemic before it brings more damages to human life.
That's awesome. I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Awesome. No more getting bored while you wait for your connection to get back.???
I can say we're blind as a world. We celebrate what we don't need for survival and ignore what the basics of human life. The world's priorities are sinoly misguided
China is full of mysteries some of which humanity will never come to understand.
Joker was a very deep movie. It deserves it.
Haha. I can't wait to watch these. The spoilers caused more curiousity.
Now i understand the reason behind most of the events in Iran, the deep politics and religion.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Those on board should remain there.