What am I supposed to do with the image?? There is already a resting bee..
You're supposed to manipulate this image, make whatever you want out of it but use this image in your final chop.
Staaan, you added this last time : "you can not use any other digital photo manipulations as your source. The source images should be untouched photographs."
I think it was a good idea, which should appear in every Photoshop contest 😉
Why? Almost no photos are completely unmanipulated. The winner of the last "chop" contest had very few sources that were "untouched" photos. Everybody adds dragons, fairies, gnomes, etc. to their work. As long as you credit your sources, who cares?
When you do this you steal somebody's art. It is not fair to other respectful choppers, you cannot have any pride from doing that. Creating a fairy, a dragon or a gnome from the unmanipulated photo of a figurine, for example, is quite different and in this case the result depends on your skill and the time you are ready to spend on it, not just a copy and paste. And yes, if there were serious mods here, last Photoshop contest winner's chop would have been eliminated from the contest if it had used manipulated photos... but only figurine photos were used.
I respectfully disagree. There are millions of images free for the taking on the net. Why should I waste my time creating a dragon if I can find the perfect one on Shutterstock et al? If you can show me the line between manipulated and untouched or between chopping and painting I might concede the point. IMHO if this site doesn't encourage creativity and innovation, which to me means using ANY available tools, it will join all the other sites that refused to come into this century. All the contests will be won by the same few people, and everyone else will get bored and go elsewhere.
Waste your time... here we are... Why try to be creative and learn when you can effortlessly get already made stuff? this is all about life philosophy and what you want yours to be like. It goes as well with food, kits, being served instead of doing... not my choice.
Obviously your definition of creativity is quite different from mine. So here we are. I looked up your posted sources from the previous 2 contests and evidently they were created by you since most of them are obviously not unmanipulated photos. Anyway I respect your work however you prefer to do it. And btw I always use only my own photos, but I wouldn't dream of restricting others in that way. I like to see all kinds of creations.
Why do you think it should have been eliminated? The aliens used were figurines not other peoples manipulations. I think it's wise to ask if we are unsure. Ultimately the end result looked nothing like the source photos anyway. It's different if someone just does a copy and paste of someone elses work but as you said yourself, unmanipulated figurines are fine as long as we actually manipuate them to make them look different in the end.
Yes indeed Skyangel, you're right. I gave a very high vote to this winning entry by the way, but yesterday K's writings made me doubt.
I also have doubts about some works at times. It is sometimes difficult to decide whether something is just a copy and paste of someone elses art or actually a manipulation, especially when the artist is using creative commons oil paintings like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Davinci or the Swing by Pierre Auguste Cot. But as you know, many of us have often used creative commons oil paintings in our work. I have done it myself. You have also done it. Is that stealing another artists work? I don't think so, as long as the art is in the free creative commons category. If we really wanted our work to be unique, we really ought to change those paintings enough to make them look different and not so obviously recognisable or just use them as inspiration to create our own unique versions with different models maybe? I also made the mistake myself of thinking a photo of a fish was a manipulation but it was not. I asked about it and I actually learned about a sea creature I never knew existed in reality. I tend to think its OK to use anything that is offered as creative commons. Other artists would not offer their work on places like Pixabay or Deviantart if they did not expect it to be used in manipulations. Even when photos are unmanipulated, they are ultimately also someone elses work unless we actually took the photo ourselves so even when using creative commons photos, we are using other peoples works. The current photo source is Olgas work and we can either copy and paste the flower into a scene where it is still recognisable as the original source which has not been changed or manipulated very much at all or we can actually manipulate it by transforming it with warp tools and changing colors and all kinds of things so it doesnt actually look like the original flower any more. There is a vast difference between actually manipulating a source photo and just copy and pasting it into a scene.
One last comment. Your figurine is also someone else's art unless you made it yourself.
ah c'mon people, I think it is obvious what Miss Z means. Nit picking on details isn't necessary. One has to admit that it is quite frustrating to see someone taking an "image" from a professional artist, changing the color of the sky and then promoting it as his/her own work. I have lost quite a few contests due to this behavior in the past. Just be reasonable when picking your sources, put some effort in your chops and everyone will be happy.
Hanabi, if everyone did as you said, we wouldn't be having this conversation. There are rules, but if they are not enforced they are meaningless. There's a need for some one ( or more than one) to oversee all the entries, this someone has to have a very high knowledge of art, photography, and photo manipulations in order to weed out chops that may break the rules of what's allowed or not. And this person has to be impartial and very fair.
IMO it is not in the spirit of Photoshop contests to use someone else's CGI or Photoshop as your source images. That would include the "chop" you are referring too. If you need a fairy, find a real live human "model" or make one from a human and insect wings or w/e. Need a dragon? Make one from a lizard or w/e.
I think it is best to use non manipulated photos for sure. No premade CGI/3D or pre-Photoshopped images, etc. would be best.
FEEEEEEEEEEED-ME created by retired
INSPIRATION; https://www.google.com/search?q=seymore+plant&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjsoo_DwYL2AhWDElkFHcJ5C7gQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=seymore+plant&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAoQGDIGCAAQChAYOgcIIxDvAxAnOgQIABBDOggIABCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQsQM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgcIABCxAxBDOgcIABCABBAKOgYIABAFEB46BggAEAgQHjoECAAQGFCtCFjEKmDnLWgAcAB4AIABU4gBigeSAQIxNJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=NwgMYqyrKoOl5NoPwvOtwAs&bih=881&biw=1851https://i.imgur.com/5zCAiNv.jpg
Space Pollination created by fugit00
Precious moments created by Hanabi
tried to make one of these little figurines from my past from scratch... https://imgur.com/a/6HyL85J
Cueva de la flor magica created by TheNatGamer
Esta es una cueva escondida en lo más profundo de un misterioso bosque donde se encuentra la mágica flor de la primera luna, cuyo intenso y deleitante aroma atrae a las reinas abejas
'Nectar for the Bees' created by artgurl
No outside sources. Background, flowers, vase all from source photo. Just enjoying trying some old techniques from Pxleyes.com
If you have any questions/suggestions/comments about this contest, reply to this comment!
Good luck! 👇