Today, we are going to use a photography technique called 'leading lines'. A leading line can emphasize the subject of a photo or turn a boring background into something creative. With some creativity, it can turn the dullest photos into an eye-catching composition!

The leading line can be of naturally occuring elements (think tree lines, beach shores, rivers,... ) or they can be artificially placed (think train tracks, escalators, pipelines, ...). What's important is that this line enhances the composition of your photo and guides the viewer's eyes.

Leading lines do not necessarily have to be straight. They can also be curved or zig-zagged.

Have a look at this tutorial from The School of Photography:

In this video, the host deliberately choses a boring location for taking photos, just to show how leading lines can turn those photos into stunning compositions.

If you are looking for some inspiration, check out this contest we had on Pxleyes 10 years ago.

Good luck!

PS: It's very important to vote on every entry, the more votes we get, the more accurate the rankings will be. Also, when you see something on someone's entry that can be improved, let them know. That way, we can learn new skills from each other!

Staaan avatarLevel 20

If you have any questions/suggestions/comments about this contest, reply to this comment!

Good luck! 👇

Olga.L avatarLevel 17Gold award
1 out of 37

Towards the Mountain created by Olga.L

5 reactions
Olga.L avatarLevel 17Diamond awardHappy awardSilver award
2 out of 37

Lines that lead created by Olga.L

5 reactions
Vibeke avatarLevel 12Bronze awardBronze award
3 out of 37

Target created by Vibeke

I named it 'Target' because the man is also pointing a camera at me.

7 reactions
Olga.L avatarLevel 17
4 out of 37

Toil and Moil created by Olga.L

1 reaction
Olga.L avatarLevel 17
5 out of 37

Zig-Zag created by Olga.L

1 reaction
Merlin avatarLevel 16
6 out of 37

Leading to the horse created by Merlin

Merlin avatarLevel 16
7 out of 37

Leading to my love created by Merlin

2 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13
8 out of 37

Sunshine Skyway (bridge) created by kyricom

6 reactions
eugen avatarLevel 7
9 out of 37

Blessing created by eugen

4 reactions
Vibeke avatarLevel 12
10 out of 37

circular stairs created by Vibeke

0.6 sec f3.5 ISO 800

4 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13
11 out of 37

Coal Mine created by kyricom

Olga.L avatarLevel 17
12 out of 37

Birkenau Death Camp - Auschwitz created by Olga.L

Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
13 out of 37

Light at the end of the tunnel created by Wayne-Cheah

MyMindsEye avatarLevel 12
14 out of 37

Around the Bend created by MyMindsEye

3 reactions
Vibeke avatarLevel 12
15 out of 37

Never Ending Journey. created by Vibeke

Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
16 out of 37

Leading to Snoopy created by Wayne-Cheah

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
17 out of 37

Terminal One created by Zizounai

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
18 out of 37

I'm not staying there! created by Zizounai

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
19 out of 37

Leading to the village created by Zizounai

1 reaction
Zizounai avatarLevel 16
20 out of 37

L'Aiguillon created by Zizounai

Velya avatarLevel 9
21 out of 37

Marble staircase to the sky created by Velya

Bursa Ulu Mosque

kyricom avatarLevel 13
22 out of 37

Fluttering Lines created by kyricom

2 reactions
eugen avatarLevel 7
23 out of 37

Axis created by eugen

Teecee avatarLevel 12
24 out of 37

Laying Pipe created by Teecee

Leading us into the woods Canon 80D

Wayne-Cheah avatarLevel 12
25 out of 37

Leading to an explosion created by Wayne-Cheah

Merlin avatarLevel 16
26 out of 37

Birdy lines created by Merlin

Merlin avatarLevel 16
27 out of 37

Leading to Mr. & Mrs. DUCK created by Merlin

Teecee avatarLevel 12
28 out of 37

Unspecified specimen created by Teecee

Leading us around the train trestle 80D

Merlin avatarLevel 16
29 out of 37

Arrivalines created by Merlin

Teecee avatarLevel 12
30 out of 37

Leading work crew to the ferry created by Teecee

Leading the work crew to the ferry 80D

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
31 out of 37

Low tide created by Zizounai

2 reactions
eugen avatarLevel 7
32 out of 37

Castel Sant'Angelo created by eugen

kyricom avatarLevel 13
33 out of 37

Run for the Hills! created by kyricom

denlig avatarLevel 9
34 out of 37

From grass to sea created by denlig

Velya avatarLevel 9
35 out of 37

The splendor of the carpet pattern created by Velya

Bursa Ulu Mosque

2 reactions
Teecee avatarLevel 12
36 out of 37

Entry without name created by Teecee

Leading to the house 80D

Teecee avatarLevel 12
37 out of 37

Nameless picture created by Teecee

Leading us into the woods 80D

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