There's a whole thought process behind car photography. Simply taking a random photo of a car isn't all that spectacular, but with a few easy tips and tricks, you can turn your car photo into a visual masterpiece.

Cars are the subject of this contest. They can be moving or still. Any motorized road vehicle with 4 wheels that can carry passengers is allowed in this contest. This means jeeps and 4-wheeled trucks are on-theme as well.

If you need some inspiration, have a look at the Pxleyes car contest from 6 years ago.

A ton of new cars and camera gear have been released in the last 6 years, so let's see what you can come up with in 2021! If you've never photographed a car before, have a look at these 8 tips from Digital Photography School. They teach you about lighting, reflections, backgrounds and motion blur.

Good luck!

PS: Try to vote on all entries in the contest. The more votes we get, the more accurate the rankings will be. Also, when you see something on someone's entry that can be improved, let them know. That way, we can learn new skills from each other!

PS 2: Ideas for future contests can be submitted here. The best ideas will be picked and turned into a contest. Make sure to clearly define the rules and objectives of the contest.

Staaan avatarLevel 20

If you have any questions/suggestions/comments about this contest, reply to this comment!

Good luck! 👇

3 reactions
Olga.L avatarLevel 17Gold awardGold award
1 out of 40

VW created by Olga.L

15 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13Silver awardGold award
2 out of 40

Old School Class created by kyricom

10 reactions
Zizounai avatarLevel 16Bronze award
3 out of 40

Trabant forever created by Zizounai

12 reactions
kyricom avatarLevel 13
4 out of 40

Circles created by kyricom

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
5 out of 40

Parking issue created by Zizounai

kyricom avatarLevel 13
6 out of 40

White Walls created by kyricom

Bern67 avatarLevel 6
7 out of 40

Living the Dream created by Bern67

2 reactions
Olga.L avatarLevel 17Together award

I love the whole story of your upload. The days when the youth of the time travelled in these VW vans listening to California Dreamin by the Mamas and Papas! Your story is well captured here. Photographically a most pleasing view with predominant colours of yellow and blue which are complimentary on the colour always looks great with yellow and you have captured this well. A great natural saturation with good dof and a very comfortable us a lovely memory through photography....thank you.

photonut avatarLevel 12

Iconic vehicle of the sixties this and here in the uk you can hire them for a holiday,use to go to music festivals in the sixties and see these,mind you they were not in such good nic as this one.

MyMindsEye avatarLevel 12
8 out of 40

Afterlife (Yard Art) created by MyMindsEye

kyricom avatarLevel 13
9 out of 40

Hood Ornament created by kyricom

Vibeke avatarLevel 12
10 out of 40

Not the fastest created by Vibeke

Hightree avatarLevel 8Heart award
11 out of 40

Vintage created by Hightree

Olga.L avatarLevel 17
12 out of 40

Princessa created by Olga.L

denlig avatarLevel 9
13 out of 40

B for Bentley created by denlig

MyMindsEye avatarLevel 12
14 out of 40

A Ride to Remember created by MyMindsEye

3 reactions
Zizounai avatarLevel 16
15 out of 40

MG created by Zizounai

scratzilla1 avatarLevel 9
16 out of 40

old pride n joy created by scratzilla1

2 reactions
Olga.L avatarLevel 17
17 out of 40

No Parking Issue created by Olga.L

photonut avatarLevel 12
18 out of 40

Blue Car created by photonut

3 reactions
photonut avatarLevel 12
19 out of 40

Merc created by photonut

MyMindsEye avatarLevel 12
20 out of 40

Carroll's Jewelry Box created by MyMindsEye

2 reactions
denlig avatarLevel 9
21 out of 40

T-Bird 1956 created by denlig

denlig avatarLevel 9
22 out of 40

Spider Renault created by denlig

denlig avatarLevel 9
23 out of 40

Bugatti 1932 created by denlig

Photo taken in 2019 during the "Classic Days" on the Le Mans circuit

photonut avatarLevel 12
24 out of 40

Open Bonnet created by photonut

photonut avatarLevel 12
25 out of 40

Chevrolet created by photonut

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
26 out of 40

Morgan created by Zizounai

kyricom avatarLevel 13
27 out of 40

Boss created by kyricom

Hightree avatarLevel 8
28 out of 40

Urban Dweller created by Hightree

2 reactions
photonut avatarLevel 12
29 out of 40

Hot Rod created by photonut

Hightree avatarLevel 8
30 out of 40

Time Traveler created by Hightree

Zizounai avatarLevel 16
31 out of 40

My new Trabant created by Zizounai

1 reaction
Vibeke avatarLevel 12
32 out of 40

How far can you stretch a limo? created by Vibeke

St. Petersburg

Olga.L avatarLevel 17
33 out of 40

Mystical Mountains created by Olga.L

Olga.L avatarLevel 17
34 out of 40

Riddled created by Olga.L

Vibeke avatarLevel 12
35 out of 40

BMW family created by Vibeke

MyMindsEye avatarLevel 12
36 out of 40

36 Plymouth created by MyMindsEye

Vibeke avatarLevel 12
37 out of 40

Paris Wedding created by Vibeke

MyMindsEye avatarLevel 12
38 out of 40

50 Merc created by MyMindsEye

Bern67 avatarLevel 6
39 out of 40

Chilling in the shade created by Bern67

denlig avatarLevel 9
40 out of 40

Porsche 911, I presume? created by denlig

1 reaction

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