Davidx10 avatarLevel 9

I am still wandering when we will all be looking for ways to collaborate and save lives in this Pandemic period. I am not used to isolation anymore, I can't stand it ?

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zerocool avatarLevel 17Diamond award

Did you see his 'yacht'? It's a 'war' vessel!

This picture was taken on the Adriatic Sea last year. And it is confirmed to be the 'yacht' he stayed on. The point of my post is these guys who own mega-corporations started to act like they are sovereign entities themselves. They have so much money on the go, they are richer than many established countries and therefore have the access to the best of the best innovation resources. I am not that surprised some of their activities spark fears and conspiracy theories.


Sarahjame avatarLevel 16

He can pay for this as long as he gets what is wanted. He got the billions to spend, so hell yeah! What else can be a better time to promote himself and assets?

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z-alferdous avatarLevel 7

Right you are, its a win win situation. The world gets help so does he gets promoted.

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