
NaturePosted by shiftaltcommandT

Physalia physalis

NaturePosted by croky
Physalia physalis

🔊Whale leap out of the water

NaturePosted by PIdivideby0
High-fin lizard fish, a denizen of the deep around 3 miles down

🔊Humpback whale ️️

NaturePosted by Nitroseconds
the extinct shark Helicorpion who had a circular saw of teeth as its lower jaw

Great Photo

NaturePosted by butteryBIScuits
Great Photo

Best high five ever

NaturePosted by CS_GO
Best high five ever
Absurd Creature of the Week: The 100-Foot Sea Critter That Deploys a Net of Death

Nothing goes to Waste

NaturePosted by tornadochaser

🔊Encountered a manta ray

NaturePosted by usaFOREVER
POV you're a fish in the 1700's

🔊Enjoy the sound of nature

NaturePosted by jose_is_here

🔊Wolverine the killer whale

NaturePosted by TokenBlack
A Mother Humpback Whale And Her Calf, In A Position Known As “Echelon”


NaturePosted by interiorcrocodilealligator
Story XP
Story XP